Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Awesome head nod

Check out the awesome head nod at 1:04 by the guy in red. Watch the whole thing from the beginning though. The nod by itself is funny, but given what has happened before, it's so awesomely nonchalant.

Rango Trailer

[update] There's more information about the story and characters (spoilers) at comingsoon.net which features an alternate trailer as well with a bit more footage.

1st trailer is out! Watch it @ Apple

Facial Reference

Nice find by @GrahamHRoss

Monday, June 28, 2010

Gobelins 2010 - Soapy Trip

Rango Poster

Nice comment at firstshowing.net about their first impression. The "cutting edge techniques" bit cracks me up. I don't know when the teaser is coming out, the article says maybe tomorrow. Curious what you guys think!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Music Scene

Thanks Isik for the tip!

"The Music Scene" from Anthony Francisco Schepperd on Vimeo.

Animation Salvation

Man, a bit late posting about that one, sorry! Check out the Animation Salvation Community! According to the site:

  • Join the conversation in our Online Forum, the "Mentorium"!
  • Read Tips, Tutorials and Articles written by Industry Professionals
    in our "Animation Education" Section!
  • Upload your Showreel and invite others to critique it!
    You can also upload your own test animations, or watch
    Video Tutorials prepared by other members!
  • Find your next Animation Job in the "Employment" section
    or Post your available position and find an Animator for the Job!
  • Keep up to date with what's happening in the industry,
    and tell others what you are doing in the "Community" section!

The layout is really sweet and covers a lot of areas that are very helpful to an animator. It also offers Animation Training for $17 (2hr Masterclasses). So head over there and check it out!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lee Evans – The Ultimate Animation Reference

- found via @AndyJLatham on andysanimation

Toy Story 3 - Spanish Buzz

Of course now that I've seen Toy Story 3 I'm diving into all the featurettes and making-ofs. This clips is SPOILING a fantastic scene in the movie, along with the tortilla the highlight for me animation wise, but I wouldn't watch it if you haven't seen the movie yet.

Pixar's Day and Night on iTunes

pixarplanet alerts us to the fact that you can now download Day & Night off of iTunes.

You know what will be cool come next March? Being able to watch 3D content on the Nintendo 3DS! I know, the screen is small, but still! I'm so stoked! Can't wait for the new handheld! NO GLASSES! NO DIM PICTURE! Love it.

Anyway, check out the short, it's really cool!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Spring 2010 SO Workshop is DONE!

Aaaaaand there goes another workshop. Yesterday was the last day of our first Online Spungella Workshop. Thanks everybody for participating!! The work looked great and it was a blast to get to know people from all over the world!

Toy Story 3

Congratulations to a great movie and smashing box office hit! Go see it, you won't be disappointed!
The short in front of it is awesome and works really well in 3D, but man, after watching the Toy Story 3 Sound Design featurette, it really drives it home for me how much I hate the side effect that the 3D glasses dim the image. The footage in that vimeo clip is so vibrant color wise. Can't wait to watch Toy Story 3 on Blu-ray, booo to Hollywood's misguided love for 3D!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Toy Story 3 Animator Roundtable – Part1

Sweet new spline cast with Doug Sweetland, Andy Schmidt, Jessica Torrez, Cat Hicks, Carlos Baena, Kc Royer, Aaron Hartline and Andrew Gordon. Go check it out!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Listen to a Movie

I thought I had posted about this site before but I guess not. Either way, check out listentoamovie.com and, as the name says, listen to a full movie (or commentary). It's great for finding good audio pieces to animate to.

The Big Picture

Besides fantastic pictures in general boston.com's The Big Picture has a great collection of 2010 World Cup pictures and with such a competitive sport you'll always find very emotional and energetic pictures. Great reference!

Legend Of The Guardians: The Owls Of Ga’hoole - trailer

- found @ cartoonbrew

Saturday, June 12, 2010