Monday, August 29, 2011

Animation Contest Winner - Summer 2011 - "Magic"

This round had a lot of great entries, thanks again to everybody who participated!

And the winner is: Joey Kim


A lot of votes came in for Jeff Williams (2nd place) and Ryan Moran (3rd place), so congratulations to you guys as well for your great work!

And here again all the submissions:

Spungella Animation Contest - Summer 2011 - "Magic" from Jean-Denis Haas on Vimeo.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Here's yet another option for aspiring students to learn animation! Check out for all the details! Here are two videos showcasing various aspects of the school. The animation is awesome!!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Mac 'n' Cheese

Great look and the opening with sound is great! The sliding downhill part cracked me up! Thanks Gijs for mail!

Mac 'n' Cheese from Mac 'N' Cheese on Vimeo.

Facial expressions infographic

There's a great overview of emotions and facial expressions by Cedarseed. Reposting it is not allowed, so please head over there to check it out. Thanks Vvek for tip!

Tips & Tricks with Jim Brown: Creative Blocks

New AM newsletter is out! Definitely check out: Tips & Tricks with Jim Brown Creative Block

Defective Detective

Bit late on posting that. Looks great though, nice job by Avner Geller and Stevie Lewis!

Defective Detective from Cartoon Brew on Vimeo.

Planet 51 - Christian Dan video reference

Very cool to see! Thanks Christian for the email and for putting this together!

Planet 51 Video References - Christian Dan from Christian Dan on Vimeo.

Concentrating Face reference

This guy is just awesome! Thanks Louaye for the tip!

Slow motion skateboarding reference

The pain, the pain!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Demo Reel - Jirawat Srisarntiwong

The last shot cracks me up, love it! Nice job Jirawat!!

Jirawat_3DAnimation_Demo_reel_Aug2011 from iamwat on Vimeo.

Monster and Dumpling by JiHwan Jung

I'm always super excited when I see former students of mine do really well! I get to see their work and it's clear that they will go places! I'm so proud of you guys!

Monster and Dumpling from JiHwan Jung on Vimeo.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer 2011 Workshops are DONE!

And another group of workshops is DONE! Both online and on-site were very strong and delivered a lot of great work and this must have been the funniest workshop sessions ever!

Thank you so much for participating!



- pic source

100 Frame Animation Contest Submissions

This was a fantastic week! I got almost 30 submissions, you guys rock! I will go through them this week and show them to fellow animators at work for the judging. I will update next week with the results!

Thanks again to everybody who took time off to work on this!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bridge by Ting Tey

The crazy talented Ting Tey has her short "Bridge" online! Plus a really cool behind the scenes look!

Bridge from Ting on Vimeo.

Bridge - Making of from Ting on Vimeo.