Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ted Lister - Fall Anim Contest Winner

Here a bit more information about the recent Fall 2010 - 100 Frame Anim Contest winner, Ted Lister:

I had a lot of fun with this competition. I'm a big fan of old airplanes and it was fun to incorporate that into an animation. The silhouetted aircraft is supposed to be a Supermarine Spitfire by the way. I didn't keep an incredibly accurate account of the time spent, but I'd say about 28 hours over the course of five days. I was out of town over the weekend, so I used that time to brainstorm ideas. I started thumb-nailing and animating on Monday, worked through the week, and then finished it up at about 10pm that Friday night.

So... a little about me. I graduated in 2006 from the Art Institute of California - San Francisco, where I got a degree in animation and met my wife, Sarah. I have since worked at a number of small companies, doing animation and a fair amount of generalist work. My most recent gig was as an animator at Offset Software working on "Project Offset." I was there for nearly a year and got to work on both in-game and cinematic animations. Since then I've been working on continually challenging myself and doing new and different kinds of animation in order to land my dream job at ILM. Thankfully, God has blessed me with many wonderful and supportive people around me. Above all is my wife, Sarah, who is always pushing me to be better.

When not animating (which is every now and again), I enjoy developing and executing short films with Sarah (live action and animation), catching up on the latest movies I likely missed in the theater (I try and get the important ones, I really want to see Tangled in the theater), yelling at our cats (they just won't get off the table) and playing the occasional video game well after everyone else has already traded it in.

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