Thursday, September 29, 2011


I have to rant.

This is about stealing.

I know, I know, a lot of you are rolling your eyes after reading this. But come on. Seriously?

Most animators in my workshops want to work at Pixar, yet on their hard drives or thumb drives the majority of ripped or downloaded movies are Pixar movies. They've heard my rants many times but I ask again.

You want to learn from Pixar teachers. You want to work there. But you don't have $9 to buy the DVD?

Don't you want to support the company so that they can continue to make their movies, so that you can one day work there? Sure, that's a simplistic view, but I really don't get it. It's not going to break your bank and you support your peers.

You're stealing! I know, I sound like an old fart, but hey.

It's so easy nowadays to get things for free but out of all the things, as an animator, wouldn't you at least support the animation industry?

But this is not what prompted this post. It was an email from Jamaal Bradley. His "From Planning to Polish" tutorial is $29.99 and it's a great tutorial, well worth the money.

Yet in his email he explains that people have been passing along the quicktime tutorial, which forces him now to change his ways of delivering his tutorials to people.

And that just pissed me off.

Seriously? You can't afford to buy something for $29.99?

A fellow animator is working hard to produce something in order to help other people. But none of that matters. Just like movies, or music or whatever is easily copied and ripped, why pay for it?

I know this is a useless rant, but I still had to rant. Out of all the things, you don't even support your own industry.


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