Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Workshop update and testimonial

This is the last week until the Online and On-site Workshops start and it's pretty hectic in terms of shuffling things around. Here is the current status:

Spring 2011 [updated 2/03/11]

The Monday #1 On-site Workshop is full.

The Thursday #2 On-site Workshop is full.

The Online Workshop has 3 spots left (current count 11).

Summer 2011 and Fall 2011

Sign-ups are starting and I have already received emails for the Summer On-site and Online Workshop, plus even a Fall 11 request. So email me if you're interested in the Summer/Fall spots.


And speaking of workshops, I always recommend that you guys leave feedback so that I can tweak the workshops to fit your needs. Here are links to the SOS and SO feedback page.

I actually got one recent testimonial which made me really happy (thanks Eric!!!) and I hope that I can continue to make it worthwhile for you guys:

Having JD as a teacher at the Academy I already knew what he was capable of, and what jedi powers he can teach me. The workshops surpassed the classes, IMO. Not only do we get 100% honest comments and critique about our work, but we also get insight on the industry of animation. Everything from making demo reels to handling clients and proving yourself as a worthy employee was covered (as long as you ask, JD is more than happy to answer your questions). Thats one of the things that separates JD's workshops from everyone elses. He gives everyday tips and knowledge about life in general and how it relates to animation. I highly recommend JD's workshops for anyone, whether you're just a beginner or a seasoned pro. Also, bring Twix.

-- Eric the Aminator


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