Thursday, January 13, 2011

Workshop update!

[update as of 1/15/11]: 2 spots left in Monday and Thursday Workshops, and open spots for the online workshop, more info here (on-site) and here (online).

Hey everybody,

I will respond to all the workshop emails tonight! With vacation and especially the week of being sick a huge mountain of emails built up. I've been going through all of them in order but the workshop part will get updated all together tonight, thanks for waiting!!

Looking at it all quickly it looks like a few spots opened up (for the on-site workshop), so if you're interested, email me (and there's always a waiting list once it's full). The online workshop has open spots, so feel free to email me about that as well!

It's also a good lead in to my post about productivity and managing work & personal life. :)
So stay tuned for that one.


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