Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Workflow questions

Every now and then I get workflow questions via email since I never finished my initial post (I do have more material for that post but I never finished the whole thing; I should just add what I have...).
After those years though I can say that I don't have one specific workflow. Each shot demands a different approach or a combination of different methods.
Either way, I thought I'd might as well post the questions and answers, in case other people are interested:​

> * do you use non-weighted or weighted tangents?


> * After you block in linear what type of splines do you convert to?

The keys are set to linear by default but I switch to splines immediately depending on the movement. If there's an arm swing, no need to keep it on linear, I'll select the keys in the timeliner, do a right click and switch the keys to spline.

> * Do you key the whole character in breakdown poses to adjust the timing?

Yep, I key all the major controllers (except face and fingers) for the initial blocking, so it's very much pose to pose with breakdowns. Then I can move those keys in the timeliner to adjust the timing until I'm happy with it. After that I go in and set more keys per controller where needed.

> * When do you offset things in the graph editor?

I offset the poses in the blocking already (most of the time). I don't work in the graph editor that much anymore. It's easier for me to adjust the poses and timing looking through the render camera. I only check curves in the graph editor to make sure that there are no funky spikes and stuff like that.

> if you will be able to finish the shot on the workflow page. it would be great to see a screenshot of the dope editor and the graph editor of one specific controller. I'd like to see how organized it is. some students seem to like blocking in stepped, then converting it to splines using the AutoTangent+ Non weighted combination.

Yeah, all in linear, I've never used stepped, only because I like to see whole thing timed out a soon as I can. If you don't set enough breakdowns during the stepped blocking and then go to splines, a lot of people freak out because the timing changes.

If anybody have more questions, let me know via comments or shoot me an email.


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