Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New 100 Frame Animation Contest

Thanks to the generous people clicking on my ads I can now start another 100 frame animation contest. We had a previous contest and the 100 frame exercises have been going on for a while (here, here, here).

So leave a comment and suggest a topic (previous one were Guilty, Unreachable Goal, Chase) so we can get some ideas going. We will vote on Thursday during the Onsite Workshop on a topic and the contest will start next Monday, August 9th, and you'll have one week to work on it. Email me your entries the following Monday, August 16th.

There will be prizes for the winners and given the interesting voting process during the last contest I will change it up and vote myself (with the help of fellow animators at work).

The price will be an art-of book of choice (which should be available on Amazon.com)!

Let's do it!


The topic is:


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