Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Spungella Workshop updates

Hey all,

I made some little changes to the Workshop sites (On-site and Online).

The Workshop Dates and Schedules post has now more detailed information. You can see who is enrolled (first name only) since a few people were unsure if they were in the first or second Workshop, on which day it was taking place, etc. So hopefully it should be all clear now. You can see if your friends are in the same session and in case you need to switch spots you can talk to each other (just let me know in case you do switch) .

I also had to add a little price increase in case you pay via Paypal for the Onsite Workshop (due to fees). Checks are now the preferred payment method.

Even if you see that the Workshop is full, send me an email anyway (using signup (at) spungella.com) and I'll put you on the waiting list. A few weeks before the Workshop starts things get very hectic and people cancel or switch and new people can get added.


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