Friday, August 20, 2010

Reminder: Don't steal other people's work...

I know, it's sounds (again) like a very obvious thing, but try to be as original as you can in your creative efforts and don't copy/steal other people's work.

A while ago I was made aware of other animators copying my animation (old post about it here). I was flattered by the fact that someone thought my work was good enough for that, but of course I wasn't too happy about it either since I don't think it's the right thing to do, especially career wise. You can use existing animation and recreate it so that you can learn from it, sure, that's fine, but keep that to yourself and at home. Don't put it on your reel.

Funny enough, back then, this fellow "A" copied my "Battery Bunny" clip. Now, I was just made aware of that this guy "B", is copying "Battery Bunny" as well (and my "Boxlift" - including the pants raise movement even though his character has no pants...). But that version looks very familiar as well!

It looks like guy "B" stole the clip from guy "A", which is already a rip off.

Mind. Blown. :)

ACTUALLY. Thanks to observing commenters, mind has been un-blown, since it's the same guy. Duh! I must have looked at too many clips... Fail...

But to be fair, the guy is actually mentioning the fact that he took ideas from other people. At least he's honest about it. So it's more about his animation skills, not creative skills.

Oh nevermind...

P.S.: more proof that stealing is evil, this is post # 666!!!! Coincidence???

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